I do not have ONE thing done to the nursery.
Our house has been a construction zone so the nursery hasn't been ready for paint until this week- all of her furniture is still in the boxes. Right now SO and I are living with my mom until he finishes the house.
I feel like such a slacker! All of the nurseries posted are so cute and really making me want to nest so badly.. I feel like I'm the only one, please tell me I'm not!!
Re: Tell me I'm not the only slacker
I don't even HAVE a nursery. The reno we have been planning for um... 8.5 months now? Hasn't even started yet. My bassinette and swing and rock and play and everything are in a self storage unit. Even my car seat. Baby has no room, no furniture, nothin
Little Sister on the Way 04/23/2013
You are NOT alone! We don't have a nursery either.
Right now we are in a one bedroom apartment. We recently bought a house, but the seller can't move until the end of May. So we are packing everything up and moving in with
No you are not!!! I am 37 weeks and still have pretty much nothing done. DD2 JUST went into her "big girl bed", which really translates to, she now sleeps on a twin sized mattress on the floor in the nursery instead of in the crib. I haven't
Little Sister on the Way 04/23/2013
Ehh, it's no big deal. My "nursery" is currently being used as storage for baby stuff and my sewing room. Considering baby has no clothes, I'm trying to sew up as much as I can before s/he gets here, then will pack up my sewing machines and stuff to se
At least you've already bought the furniture.
Our house is under reno too, so this LO will be sleeping in a PnP in our room until its done & we move. And then I'll still need to buy & assemble nursery furniture. I'm pla