Anyone else getting the "are you in labor? is that baby here yet? bla bla bla" questions yet? I have. Unfortunately, I have 3 weeks left! My response is usually "I'm still here" with a smile, but I have a feeling those smiles won't last very long if this goes on for the next 3+ weeks.
Re: Has IT started for you yet?
No... I still have 5 weeks to go. Please don't wish a pre term baby for me. Thanks.
I have had it 3 times so far, usually because I call someone at a weird time or after not talking to them for a while.
When I was pg with DD2 my SIL called me every single day my entire pg to chit chat. Around week 37 she started to ask if
Not from family or friends, but I hear "ooh, you're gonna pop any day now" from clients almost daily.
Yeah...I'm not even 35 weeks yet...let's hold out a bit, shall we?
I use this.
Ha, I freaked my MIL out last night because I called her instead of DH to see if she wanted to skype with DD. She answer the phone all breathless like "Hi, hi, how are you? What's up??" I laughed internally then said "Oh we're fine. But I
Always Sunny's back b-tches!
Not yet for me, but I remember that question well from my last pregnancy. "You haven't had that baby yet?"
and I just want to shout at them, "DO I LOOK LIKE I'VE HAD THE BABY?"
I get that people are just making conversation but
Tyler (10/29/08)
and Lily (4/21/13)