I try not to vent too much but am having a rough time! I don't know if I'm looking for support or words of wisdom but I'm just overwhelmed.
Our DD goes to a home daycare that I truly love. The woman is so compassionate and has gone out of her way so much for our DD. Including catering to her obsession of baby dolls by buying lots to have on hand with all kinds of things to go with them.
She has been in and out of the hospital all winter and has made coverage at her home with people we trust. We just found out this week she has liver and pancreatic cancer. She is coming home this weekend with a hospital bed set up for her and I just want to cry for her. It is hard to sleep and not think about her all day. It is hard to drop DD off and pick her up. There hasn't been word on when they are closing yet but it sucks to have to worry about care for DD. I want to concentrate on just caring about what this woman is going through but I obviously have to concentrate on finding alternate care for DD. I was already extremely overwhelmed with unexpected twins and finding care for them this fall. I know we can't afford a center for 3 kids and I feel helpless in trying to find 3 openings in another home daycare we trust. I've prided myself with dealing with overwhelming situations in the past but feel very helpless and just keep trying to tell myself things will work out in the end...
Re: One of those venting posts...
Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!
Thank you so much ladies. I just need to take a step back and relax. I guess this with the combination of originally planning the expense of 2 children and not 3 is making me not want to deal with any of this! Thanks for all the support and input on th