This message may be crazy and all over the place! Sorry! I have just had many random thoughts lately and thought I could post them in one message vs. 8! Here we go!!!!
First!!! We are all ready for this baby! While my hubby was on "spring break" from work, we set up everything, finalized the nursery, installed the car seat, etc! The hospital bags are packed and we are all ready! So exciting and feels great!
Now the questions!
~I had many lists (thanks ladies!) on what to pack for myself and my LO but I had no clue what to have my hubby pack. We just did some comfy out fits and toiletries... if he needs other stuff he can run home. Anything anyone feels is important for him to pack or remember?
~At my baby shower I got about 6 bottle cleaning brushes... do I need this many? Is it safe to say that I will need them all over time (when one gets to germy or used) or should I return a few?
~I discussed delayed cord clamping with my doctor and he said he would do it if I wished but that he did not feel it was relevant. He went on this long explanation about tummy time being up hill from the placenta and that the cord could pulse for hours as it is pulsing because of the heart beat. I don't know if I should be okay with this or more upset that he didn't have an understanding about my desires.
~We took our breast feeding course this week (it was okay but not as awesome as some of the classes I have heard discussed on here ). Any way.... the instructor discussed swaddling the baby so that they are still able to touch their face. With the recent article posted about swaddling dangers and I have only ever swaddled with their arms down. What are your thoughts? Could I do this safely? Has anyone done it? Doesn't seem too comfortable. She stated that many times babies don't like being swaddled because they like their hands ere face. She mentioned ultra sounds... in every ultra sound the baby's hands are touching or near their face (TRUE). so IDK
Also, in the class we watched a video of birth followed by immediate skin to skin leading to BFing. I figured that I would have a gown the opened in the front, that I would open when it came time for the baby to be placed on me. In the video the women were naked head to toe. Any S+TM's, is this how it works? I am just not sure I want to labor for who knows how long all naked and spread eagle... Please share what to really expect!
That is all for now... but no promises! Thanks!
Re: A bunch of randoms, questions. (semi-long)
1. Whatever he would normally pack for an overnight or two. Add in a bathing suit if he plans to help you in the tub or shower.
2. Absolutely not. We have one and a back up in case that gets grungy and went through a total of 2. They're not real
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
Not sure I can help with all of the questions.
- The only other things you may consider for your hospital bag is a bag of snacks and change for the snack/pop machine. This way your husband has something to snack on if l
~I had many lists (thanks ladies!) on what to pack for myself and my LO but I had no clue what to have my hubby pack. We just did some comfy out fits and toiletries... if
1. Think you captured his list, esp if he can still go home. Toothbrush, comb, change of clothes.
2. I only had 1 brush, but I also have a good dishwasher and put bottles and parts there to wash 90% of the time. I'd return the other 5
TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption!
Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!
BFP #1: 5/10/12; 5/22/12: pregnancy deemed not viable (probably CP)
BFP #2: 8/2/12; Due date: 4/14/13, DD born 4/5/2013
BFP #3: 11/2/14, Due date: 7/7/15
You fill me!!! Z! My BFP Chart