September 2013 Moms

Those who know the sex...

What has the heartbeat rate been? Boy or girl? Testing out an old wives tale theory ;)
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Re: Those who know the sex...

  • Mine was 153 at 12 weeks. Don't know the sex yet.
  • She was 155 on Monday, I think it was higher before, but I know it lowers the older she gets.
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  • imageBrianne Shenefield:
    Mine was 153 at 12 weeks. Don't know the sex yet.

    The point of my post is to see

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  • Upper 150's or low 160's for our boy.
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  • My little girl was 153 at 12 weeks.  On the home doppler she seems to always be between 140 and 155.
    Me: 43 DH: 39 - AMA, DOR
    Mommy to Sami (IVF), Born 8.30.13
    Surprise non-assisted BFP - 12.29.2014, Beta 1 = 322, Beta 2 = 760
    EDD 9.7.2015

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  • Just had the Doppler done today. 12w3d and my babies HR was 154. The nurse practitioner said if she had to guess it would be girl. She said she had a 50/50 chance lol but she also said she is usually pretty good at guessing. We will soon find out. :
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  • she measured 155 today at the OB's office:)
  • 144 with our first boy and 173 with this boy. 
    Dailey 10/29/2009 BFP! 7/12/2010 Welcomed our beautiful baby boy TTC#2 Since 10/2011 5/21/2012 BFP! 6/30/2012 Missed Miscarriage 1/4/2012 BFP!! Stick, baby, stick! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • Monday when we found out we are having a boy the heartbeat was 143. 


  • Found out Monday it's a girl. HR 164
  • Thanks everyone...This ones heart rate has been consistently in the I was curious if everyone who had lows rates was having a girl. It's nice to see some boys in there!
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  • Girl - 158 at 11 weeks. I hear it really makes a different when you got the heart rate so the earlier the heart rate the higher it will be hence throwing off your study :)
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  • I believe it's the earliest heart beat bc it tends to be fastest the less amount of weeks you are. Girl is supposed to be high boy is supposed to be low.... But this post shows its certainly an old wives tale
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  • imagejeb2013:
    I believe it's the earliest heart beat bc it tends to be fastest the less amount of weeks you are. Girl is supposed t
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  • 153 & 155 ( taken withing a week of eachother) & we are having a boy : ) our ultrasound tech said there was a study done that said that method for telling the sex by the heathrate was only accurate 5% of the time. But for my cousins kids it was ri
  • I'm having a boy, and my first appt hb was 190, second it was in the 170's, and on my home doppler it's always been above 150. Not accurate at all for me.

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