So this is our second baby and my daughter just turned two. We obviously did not have a shower for this baby and we are team green this time around so we don't have much for boys clothes (enough to get us through about a week). We haven't gotten any gifts and none have been expected.
My husband emailed my today and said that his work threw him a surprise baby shower! He works in IT so it's especially cute that a bunch of IT geeks got together and threw him a baby shower (no offense to all of the IT geeks out there . They brought in a cake and gave us a $100 gift card to Target!
I also got a random email from Aetna (our insurance) giving me a code for a $50 gift card for signing up for something (don't remember what). That means that I got the Snugabunny swing I wanted for only $70 including shipping!
I think we're all set for baby purchases, now I just need to pack that dang hospital bag!
Re: A/W- Husband's Work