September 2013 Moms


I've had migraines since I was about 12 years old.  The completely incapacitating kind where all I can do is curl up in bed, in the dark, with a cold cloth on my head, while laying in the fetal position, and trying not to cry.  I've had them under control for the last few years.  So I maybe get one every 2-3 months.  Which is amazing for me.  I have an Rx for Zomig (a triptan drug) which works great when I get them...  but of course, its unsafe during pregnancy. 

My OB gave me an Rx for Fioricet, which apparently is safe. Unforutately, I ended up with a full blown migraine last night, took the Fioricet and it didnt even touch the pain.   

Anyone else with migraines?? what are you taking for them?  What else works for the pain?  does anyone take a daily preventative for them?  I can handle them when I have meds that work...  but last night was just crazy.   On a side note, I did try peppermint oil on my temples, which distracted me long enough to fall asleep, but I woke up still with a migraine a few hours later.    SUX!!!!!!  :(   and I still have a residual headache today. 

Re: Migraines:(

  • I know this answer doesn't immediately help but if I watch my water and caffeine intake I can control my migraines. I take excedrin menstrual to knock off the pain. I do know what doesn't help, hydrocodone. I have an active Rx for that but it doesn't even


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  • I didn't like fioricet either. Pain pills don't work for my migraine. They work for some people which is awesome just not me. I take 100mg of Imitrex while not pregnant. And when that doesn't work, rarely, I get a shoot of something starting

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  • I get them for like a month or two straight every couple of years. The last serious bout I had I was prescribed Fioricet as well. I had an extremely rare reaction to it called Stevens Johnson Syndrome. I also have Lupus which they think didnt help in t

  • My dr. told me to drink coke/coffee with tylenol and lay down in a dark room. It's not a great method but it does help somewhat with the pain. Good luck!
  • I normally, before pregnancy, took preventative meds for migraines, muscle relaxers, and other RXs. Non of which are safe now. So for now I take a phenergon , Tylenol, drink some caffeine, and lay in a dark room. I will admit I miss my old pills they work
  • I am so so sorry. I suffer from the same type of migraines and got them at least once a month. I have been lucky to have one so far this pregnancy, but only took Tylenol. It did nothing. I got a prescription for the same meds as you but haven't tried it y
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  • I've tried caffeine for a regular headache which helps a little. Doesn't help with a full blown migraine though. And in all honesty, I'm sensitive to caffeine, and when I have a migraine the best thing is for me to sleep, so I'm nervous about not being
  • I get them as well, though they vary in pain from instance to instance.  At the first sign on onset I take 2 extra strength Tylenol and a can of coke and this makes it go away.  However, if I miss the onset and they fully set in, this only

      photo b2867ff1-04fd-412f-991f-a3e09638ec0f_zps4503f4a7.jpg 


  • I didn't get very severe migraines before pregnancy, though i did get them regularly.  Thankfully, i've only had one during pregnancy.  Pre-pregnancy i was seeing an acupuncturist and cut way down on caffeine and alcohol (like only a few drinks
    Boy 10.6.13
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  • imageCDMay2006:
    I didn't get very severe migraines before pregnancy, though i did get them regularly. nbsp;Thankfully, i've only had one
  • imagecharpe:
    Boy 10.6.13
    Labored at freestanding birth center using hypnobirthing techniques
    Delivered via csection
  • I have had migraines for years too. I took a trip tan, Frova, before bfp, as well as other meds. I also received occipital nerve blocks, before bfp, which are a God send! Both my OB and neurologist prescribed vicodin for migraine during pregnancy. I have
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