I did not throw up at all during most of the first trimester. I threw up once in my twelfth week which I attributed to being extremely nervous that morning, getting up super early (which has always upset my tummy) and not eating (which was just stupid).
I threw up last Wednesday (13th week) which I attributed to either drinking milk for breakfast (which I would NEVER do pre pregnancy...again stupid) or to the fact that I had a stuffy nose most of the night and had swallowed a lot of mucos.
Ok so today, one week later (14th week) I just threw up at work AGAIN! No nervous tummy, no milk, not near as much mucos as most nights lately...
Has anyone else had RANDOM morning sickness that didn't START until 2nd tri? Once a week seems awfully spread out to be MS but Ive never been pregnant, what do I know?!?
THANKS ladies!
Re: Question.
Married the love of my life in 2011
DS born in 2012
DS2 born in 2013
Lil surprise due October 18th!