September 2013 Moms

OB or midwife?

My ob has the worst bedside manner! She's a great doc but isn't sensitive at all. Im 16 weeks so ive been enough to give her a fair chance. I'm thinking about switching to a midwife but im not exactly sure what the major differences are and if that would w a better choice for!

Re: OB or midwife?

  • I know nothing about midwifes but I would not leave a "great" doctor almost half way through my pregnancy bc she's insensitive. Can you provide examples of why she's insensitive? Push comes to shove, I'd wanna great doctor delivering my baby. I had a p

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  • I'm not very knowledgeable about midwives, but a lot of the women on these boards who have had them talk about how great they are and how much time they spend with you. The doula I have hired is training to be a midwife, and she is absolutely awesome.<

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  • I didn't think my OB had the best bedside manner, either. Pretty no nonsense and to the point.  That was, until something came up.  She has shown that she is totally compassionate and there for me. 

    Is your OB the only one in the

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  • what's her problem? I have an amazing OB, but there is one ob in her practice that has awful bedside manner, thankfully I'm only scheduled to see her 3 times this pregnancy.
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  • In my opinion, you need to be comfortable with the person you are having deliver your baby. I think that's extremely important.

    I switched from an insensitive ob to a midwife and I am SO glad that I did. There really aren't any major differe
  • I don't have a choice. We have no midwives anywhere near me. However, I would feel safe with one who worked with an OBs office.
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  • Doctors are usually pretty busy. Mine is a good doctor and seems concerned about my concerns but I can also tell she is a time constrant. If you want someone to spend a little more time with you than a mid-wife is probably a good idea.
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  • I've never used a midwife so I can't compare, but I do feel it is important to have a good OB. It truly makes all the difference if you trust him or her. I feel like I have the greatest OB ever, but that being said he has off days. There were a few
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  • imageandjess11:
    I switched from an OB I was not comfortable with to a midwife. Every appointment I've had with her lasts about an hour.

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  • Is it even a guarantee that she will be delivering for you?  I'd try out another OB in the practice.  I'm a FTM with an OB so I can't speak for the knowledge of a midwife, but I just wouldn't be comfortable without an OB. &nb
  • I absolutley love my midwife.  I had an OB with DS1 and that birth was the worst experience ever.  DS2 I had with the midwife and it was so amazing and wonderful. 

    She is so much more involved, seems to care so much more about me,

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  • imagemichelle7482:
  • I haven't used a midwife, but I find the arguments that OBs are mean and impersonal and midwives are warm and caring to be a silly one.  There are good OBs and bad OBs, nice ones and mean ones, ones that rush you, and ones that answer your questio

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  • ejb23ejb23 member
    I had an OB during my first pregnancy and hated it.  I switched to a practice that has both Midwives and OB's that work together and LOVE the midwives so much.  My midwife will spend as much time as I want answering questions, explaining test/sc


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  • image1026pumpkin:
    I haven't used a midwife, but I find the arguments that OBs are mean and impersonal and midwives are warm and caring t
  • imageejb23:
    I had an OB during my first pregnancy and hated it. nbsp;I switched to a practice that has both Midwives and OB's that work
  • imagemichelle7482:
    Ha, I'm way too busy for a one hr appt. Pregnancy is not that difficult to navigate, assuming you are not high
    Boy 10.6.13
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  • imageAnjkay:
  • imageTally879:

  • LOVE my midwife!  Never had them where I grew up and it seemed a little hippie-dippie strange at first, but the more I researched, the less comfortable I was with the hospital scene.  So, I had my first son at a birthing center.  It was

  • imageTally879:

  • imageAnjkay:
  • Thanks! Very helpful. Fortunately I'm delivering at a great hospital and they have a large staff of midwives as well as obs. I think ill make the switch
  • I'd have to 2nd everyone's comments about extended time at appts and feeling like I'm being heard (and no, I don't feel "babied" or like I have to have my hand held).

    I tried to educate myself on birth styles before getting pregnant, and knew I

  • My first appointment I saw a midwife and I was excited about this b/c I read such good things about midwives and how they spend more time with you. Well I'm 21 weeks pregnant and I've seen 2 different midwives then the rest have all been doctors and I lik
  • If I was still in my hometown, I most likely would have stayed with the OB that I have been going to for years.  But I live in a different city now, and never got a new OB (since my appts are only once a year.)  When I got pregnant, I did som

  • imagemichelle7482:
    Ha, I'm way too busy for a one hr appt. Pregnancy is not that difficult to navigate, assuming you are not high
  • I had an OB with DD and I have a midwife this time around. My OBs were nice and all but the experience was too "obstetric machine" if that makes sense. No one cared what I thought and I was always told what to do. I didn't like that. If you aren't happy s


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