September 2013 Moms

Another question about naming my peanut

My stepson mom is due a day after me... She isn't very involve with my stepson she usually only see him every six weeks or so. If he is lucky she might come around monthly for alittle while... Sure I worry about what she names her kid or if it the same oh well!!! My dh try's not to talk to her because she is a train wreck and we don't want my stepson to be around her right now!! Should I care what she name her kid??
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Re: Another question about naming my peanut

  • The chances of that are small, there are a lot of names out there. When you have so much else going on, probably a good idea to let this worry go.
  • no, if she's hardly in your life I don't see why you should care what she names her kid.
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  • It's not your kid, why would you care???  Out of all the names in the world, the chances of you naming them the same is so slim.  And hopefully you'll give birth first so it's not your problem anyway :)
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  • I'm not worry about it but I didn't know if I should ask her to make sure we don't. I already think its a freak accident that we are pregnant at the same time and my due sept 28 and her is the 29th.. when the doctor told her she wasn't able to have any ch
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  • imagejdoud77:
    I wouldn't want to name my kid the same as DH's BM. J/S

    I agree with you!!! I hopin
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  • If you saw my other post about " ugh names" that why I want to find a name to call dibs
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  • Don't worry about it.
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