In good old fashioned TB form, as her labor buddies Crammy and I would like to post that Tairairat is in labor!
Early this morning (EST) Tairairat was having contractions for about 3.5 hours, lasting at least a minute and occurring less than every 5. Her doc sent her to the hospital and she has been in active labor ever since! Update from her husband is that her little guy is on his way! He also paraphrased that "back labor is the worst and med free can suck it" hahaha.
Keep her in your prayers... We'll keep you posted!
she is 8-9 cm and they just broke her water... Won't be long now! Update 2: nothing yet!!! Her hubs let us know about 3 hours ago that she was getting ready to push. So, so excited and dyyyyying over here waiting for news!!! Keep you posted
Re: *Tairairat is in LABOR* UPDATE 2
BFP #1: 08/17/2012 DD1 born 05/01/2013
BFP #2: 07/31/2015 M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)
Praying everything goes well!! Thanks for updating!!
April 5<
Married: 6/27/2008
DS: 3/14/2010 Planned, PG first try
M/C 6/2012
DD: 4/22/2013 Planned, UnDx Infertility, PG on our own
BFP: 10/28/2016 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE!
M/C 12/12/2016
BFP: 10/27/2017 Unplanned, HUGE SURPRISE
EDD: 7/2/2018
You fill me!!! Z! My BFP Chart
Make a pregnancy ticker
exciting! Thinking of her!
I need a labor buddy now
Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD
More babies!!! FX everything goes just how she wants! April is really starting to pop!
Adalyn 9/28/2010 & Peter 4/1/2013
"A man walking backwards does not see what lies ahead, only what he is leaving behind."
BFP #1-7/22/12 EDD: 4/8/13 It's a Boy!! Born 3/30/13
BFP #2 2/3/14 EDD: 10/15/14 - My Chart