April 2013 Moms

I have to AW my coworker

I was so touched by one of my coworkers who just came in (on her week off) to give me some stuff she made for my LO.  She handmade some burp cloths and a blue and orange blanket (matches the nursery) with his name on it.  It was so sweet and thoughtful of her, so I just wanted to share.

Anyone else get some really sweet gifts like this?

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Can't wait to meet baby Liam Paul!
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Re: I have to AW my coworker

  • That's so sweet! I love handmade stuff. DH's coworker made our LO some cute boots and a super cute hat!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Yes, the hand made stuff always makes me teary by hwo thoughtful it is.

    I got two beautiful knit / crocheted blankets from family and a friend of my mothers.  And then from a family friend on DH's side (I don't even know her that well!) I go

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  • The blanket we're taking to the hospital was crocheted by a friend, along with matching booties and hat. My MIL gave us two crocheted blankets, one with a matching hat. And another friend gave us a handmade quilt. They are all beautiful.
    Married 6/4/11
    Reese born 3/23/13
    Due 9/14/16

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Yes! We love the handmade stuff we've gotten. My aunt gave me a hand crocheted gender neutral blanket at my shower with the offer to add color specific borders when LO arrives. We're big car people, race fans and race ourselves and my mom made a pair of f
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Anniversary
  • This little one is getting 3 hand made quilts. One from my friend's mom, one from my boss's wife and one made by MH grandma years ago. One of my close friends is also making some stuff, but I'm not sure what yet. I love the handmade stuff. I wish I could




  • I don't know what it is yet, but my coworker called to say she needed to get me the gift she bought for me.....she is on disability with a serious illness....so for her to think of me when she is going through so much is just......what a sweetheart
    BabyName Ticker
  • When we were pg with DD1, my MIL gave us the blanket Dh's foster mom made for him that he took along after his adoption. It is white and blue but both my girls absolutely love it, I can't ever seem to get it to go back into storage, or safe keeping cause
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  • The teachers at DH's school each made a square and they made it into a blanket.
    Married to Brandon since 2/14/06
    Twin Girls born on January 1st 2012:Brooklyn Avery(Brooke) & Eliana Meredith(Ellie)
    Ellie and Brooke both have Juvenile Diabetes
    Adopted a Brother and Sister in January of 2012
    Levi Ryan-October 25th 2007 and Caroline Paige(Carly)-July 23rd 2009
    Jonah Samuel born April 21st 2013
    Expecting Baby #6-June 2014!
  • My mom made them dust ruffles and burb cloths. Then my cousins wife told me that she had her mom make Thing 1 and Thing 2 hats. 
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  • My SIL made LO a soft green blanket :D I love it!!

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