Mobile: Strep B Positive - Vent
I am overwhelmed with all of the things that have been occurring recently with my pregnancy.
First, I find out the baby has an arrhythmia. Then I go for a Level II ultrasound and find out the baby's abdomen is measuring a few weeks behind. My stomach is also measuring small. I end up going for a follow up growth ultrasound several weeks later, and the baby's abdomen is still measuring a few weeks behind. I have to get weekly NSTs done.. and now I find out I'm Strep B Positive.
I am scared, overwhelmed, tired, and ready for this to be over. I am so concerned for the well being of my child.
DH keeps telling me that I need to stop being so negative and I need to start thinking more positvely, but it's so hard because it feels like it's one thing after another every time I go to the Dr.
Sorry, just wanted to vent a bit. I feel like I really can't talk to anyone IRL about this because they cannot relate and will not understand.
Re: Strep B Positive - Vent
I can relate! I'm getting induced today for the same thing. I cried a lot (a LOT) when they said I need to deliver but a good night's sleep and continued wiggly baby helped enormously.
It will be ok. Even if you (like me)
* Diagnosis of PCOS in 2011 (suspected since teens)
* Miscarraige September 2011; XY with Trisomy 15
*November 2011 - January 2012 - 3 cycles of Femora - BFN x 3
* 2/12 and 4/12 Tamoxifen - no response
Planned to start Follistim for COH August '12 but...
Surprise!! BFP! And it's a girl!!
Make a pregnancy ticker
"He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted." Job 5:9
first don't worry about the strep-b.. its "basically" nothing and super common.You'll be hooked up to antibiotics during delivery and that's it.
Now baby measuring small would make me upset too - has your dr given you much information on what
Make a pregnancy ticker
I'm so sorry you are going through all of this. I can tell you from my own experience that the Strep B is the last thing you really need to spend any time worrying about. As long as you get to the hospital 4 hours before your baby is born,