I feel like this pregnancy is flying! I just scheduled my a/s for 3 wks from today. I feel like I waited forever for it last time!! Anyone else feel the same way?
Yes!! I was just thinking this exact same thought. Last time it felt like an eternity waiting for the anatomy scan and this time it has kind of snuck up on me.
Yes and no - I think that since I'm so busy with DS (and work, and life) that I have less time to day dream about this LO so I have more instances of "oh, its Thursday again? I'm another week into this? Cool!" But at the same time, I'm stuck i
I feel like its flying by! We had our NT scan yesterday, finally hit 12 weeks, so we can tell people, and I still feel like it's way too early to tell!! I also haven't gotten any bigger yet, except for my boobs, so maybe that's part of it. I thought you
Finally updating my signature and avatar, August 29, 2011 (better late than never!)
Jake! (born July 3, 2011 - 6 days past due)
December Siggy Challenge: Favorite Holiday Movie
Not me. I feel like this one is taking forever. Not sure why. I think it's because I have NOTHIng to do to get ready for this baby, at least till we find out the gender. Boy or girl, I've got shopping to do because we are having a baby in fall instead of
January 2009: Goodbye TR (13 weeks)
February 2010: Welcome DD1!
March 2011: Welcome DD2!
At first, time was creeping by. Now that I'm in a safer zone, things are picking up. But until school is over in June, time will go about as fast as normal! Once DD's bday is over and we are home together, then the heat will be on to get ready for #2! <br
Yes! I feel exactly the same way. I even forget just how far along I am. At this point in my last pregnancy, I was knee deep in researching for my registry and this time around I haven't even looked at a single baby item because I still feel like I am onl
Re: btdt moms, time flying by?
Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!