September 2013 Moms

I hate my snoogle

Anyone else hate theirs?! Prepregnancy I'd usually fall asleep on my left side but end up on my back. I don't know how to keep from ending up on my back without the snoogle. At 3am this morning I couldn't take it anymore so I ditched it and had my husband snuggle against me so I'd have to lay on my side.
4 years TTC including countless tests, 2 surgeries, and one failed IUI
Scheduled IVF for April 2013--SURPRISE, don't need it! DD Born 9/7/13 
Ectopic pregnancy Sep/Oct 2014 ended in surgery, and many trips to the ER
Miracle #3: EDD 11/28/16

Re: I hate my snoogle

  • I hate how much space it takes up in our bed.  I feel like there is a wall between us!
    Me:39 DH:41 Married since July 2002
    TTC since 2004 Severe MFI
    2011-12: 2 IUIs: BFN
    IVF December 2012- success!
    DD born 8/16/13 @ 37weeks

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  • imageprayindreamin:
    I hate how much space it takes up in our bed. nbsp;I feel like there is a wall between us!
    Me too
    4 years TTC including countless tests, 2 surgeries, and one failed IUI
    Scheduled IVF for April 2013--SURPRISE, don't need it! DD Born 9/7/13 
    Ectopic pregnancy Sep/Oct 2014 ended in surgery, and many trips to the ER
    Miracle #3: EDD 11/28/16

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  • Last pregnancy I couldn't sleep with it. It made my neck sore. I gladly ditched it when we moved. Instead I got a full body u shaped pillow and that worked out so much better for me.

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  • Helpful to read this - I was shopping online yesterday and the snoogle just looked like a LOT of pillow.  Opted for the boppy wedge just to add a little support to the tummy when needed.  I find myself occasionally rolling onto my back but find
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I loved my snoogle last pregnancy, but didn't even buy it until 6 months along, when my hips got sore sleeping on my side. I also used it, rolled up like a cinnamon roll, as a back rest so I could lay on my back but propped up at an angle, which is allowe
    Finally updating my signature and avatar, August 29, 2011 (better late than never!) Jake! (born July 3, 2011 - 6 days past due) Image and video hosting by TinyPic December Siggy Challenge: Favorite Holiday Movie Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • I love my snoogle. Guess I'm an outlier?
  • Thanks for the responses ladies, that really helps!  I think I'm going to ditch it for now and bring it back when my tummy needs the added support.
    4 years TTC including countless tests, 2 surgeries, and one failed IUI
    Scheduled IVF for April 2013--SURPRISE, don't need it! DD Born 9/7/13 
    Ectopic pregnancy Sep/Oct 2014 ended in surgery, and many trips to the ER
    Miracle #3: EDD 11/28/16

  • Hi! I guess I'll give up my lurker status to comment on the Snoogle. I got my Snoogle at around 6mo pregnant with DS in 2011 and LOVED the way it supported my hips and back, especially since I am prone to painful sciatica. Then, as a bonus, the Snoogle be
  • Loved mine last time. So far this time it's making my neck hurt so I just put a pillow under the top and use that.
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