How many newborn diapers will I need? There was one website that said 25-30. Can anyone comment on how many they had and whether it was enough? I'm planning on every other day laundry and looking at doing the Kawaii P&Ns.
That sounds about right. I think that is pretty much the average. I haven't started yet but my NB stash is complete. I have 24 prefolds with 5 covers and 6 pockets and 1 AIO. I also plan to wash EOD.
My NB/small stash so far is 36 prefolds (12 GMD newborn, 12 GMD small, 12 Osocozy infant); 12 fitteds (6 GMD workhorse newborn and 6 small); 4 covers (I want to get 1 or 2 more); 1 pocket; 5 AIOs; and 2 wool covers.
Re: newborn stash question
That's about right.
I'm planning on:
24 prefolds
6 covers
6 Kawaii pure and naturals
2 Snappi
I'll probably take any newborn disposable that are in my room so I have a few for emergencies. But
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