September 2013 Moms


We shared our news with family 6 weeks ago at DD's first birthday party. My family was ecstatic and MIL just looked confused and didn't say ANYTHING! She came to visit this weekend and FINALLY asked when the due date is!!! Seriously? Luckily I'm pretty laidback and I just tell myself that she doesn't deal well with change and it doesn't matter to me because we're happy. I almost think its funny that it took her that long to ask. She reacted much differently when I was pregnant with DD...I think this just took her by surprise...hopefully she can get over her shock by September!
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Re: Wow!

  • We told out family at DS's first birthday too, about 8 weeks ago. The reaction went really well and everyone was excited. I'm sorry your announcement didn't go over well with mil. What a poop!
  • I'm in the same boat! My MIL doesn't get excited until I get to the end. She has really hurt my feelings acting disappointed when I miscarried and making comments with this pregnancy about how she doesn't want to think about it until it's actually happeni
    Dailey 10/29/2009 BFP! 7/12/2010 Welcomed our beautiful baby boy TTC#2 Since 10/2011 5/21/2012 BFP! 6/30/2012 Missed Miscarriage 1/4/2012 BFP!! Stick, baby, stick! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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  • My MIL hasn't been all that great. She said she didn't want to get excited/involved until the baby was here, just incase something happened. She thinks she's doing the "right thing", but it's really hurtful. This is their first grandbaby, DH and I ha



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  • I feel the same way! My mil rarely speaks to us unless my husband calls her. I haven't heard any words of excitement about the first grand baby. Before I became pregnant, she always asked when I would get a better job I enjoy my job but she thinks I need
  • MIL was not exactly the poster mom to hubby- very long story. Well now she is back in his life after skipping town again....anyways, we told her in Jan and have not talked to her since.


  • imageMelissa1385:
    I feel the same way! My mil rarely speaks to us unless my husband calls her. I haven't heard any words of excitem


    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • My MIL and FIL in law haven't exactly been the poster children of excitement.  Having been empty nesters for a very long time (both DH and his brother went off to boarding school in their early teens) they are not used to accomodating others in an

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