I still haven't made any yet (as my soap nuts are in the mail) but check out this blog post (the writer linked to in a similar post i found on here somewhere..) I'm super excited to use soap nuts because you can make a liquid using only the nuts (technica
I use the borax, washingsoda, oxyclean; but I always use vinegar in the first rinse. I've only been using it for 3 or 4 months but haven't had a problem yet. I've heard several others have though. I figured if it's working now I
Re: Homemade detergent?
1 C borax
1 C washing soda
1/2 C oxiclean free
I did the borax/washing soda/oxiclean for a while.
Then I got ammonia.
I don't recommend it.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
Cloth Diaper Review Sheet
1/1 Spotting, 1/3 beta 36,000, 1/5 u/s empty sac measuring 7w (9w5d), 1/6 d&c
You will always be loved & missed our sweet angel.