April 2013 Moms

Labor on a full moon day

Anyone hear or believe the theories about going into labor on a full moon day? My sister in law told me about it and its prett cool. She had both her babies on a full moon and i also asked 3 friends of mine who are nurses and they swear there are more births on a full moon day then any other day in the month. So, next week on March 27th is a full moon. anyone due in early April thinking next week could it be for them? I know there are no facts behind it but its kind of fun to think about. I am due in 2.5 weeks and now am thinking I wonder if I will go into labor on the full moon! thoughts?
First time Momma to be! Due April 5th!

Re: Labor on a full moon day

  • I don't know how much truth there is to it, but one of L and D nurses I saw during my pregnancy with my son said that there are more labors the day after a full moon and the day after a big storm. She said it was due to waters breaking from barometric pr
  • My FIL's girlfriend is a big believer that I'm going to have this baby on March 27th. I've been to L&D twice now and she has pointed out that they have both been on days that we have had a full moon. So, who knows maybe there is a bit of truth to this
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  • SIL was born on a Friday the 13th and a full moon - they ran out of delivery rooms and had to use a postpartum room to deliver SIL lol. Apparently the nurses said full moons are crazy for deliveries but no one had seem anything like when SIL was born. (do
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  • imageAllyP10:
    My FIL's girlfriend is a big believer that I'm going to have this baby on March 27th. I've been to L&D twice now

    "I wanted you more than you'll ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go."

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  • imagemirroredimage:
    Full moons and bad weather.nbsp; An Lamp;D nurse and the nurses at my OBs office swear that when there is bad weathe
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  • I've wondered this too! I'm due the 23rd, and I believe there is a full moon on the 25th, so we'll see!
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  • imagemirroredimage:
    Full moons and bad weather.  An L&D nurse and the nurses at my OBs office swear that when there is bad
  • I've heard low pressure systems can cause women to go into labor. Doubt there's any scientific truth to it though!
  • My mat leave starts on March 28th. I'd be cool with a timely arrival. lol

    "I wanted you more than you'll ever know, so I sent love to follow wherever you go."

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    Ginny DX 21-Hydroxylase Deficiency Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

    Charlie DX Specific Antibody Deficiency & ASD

  • I was hoping for some full moon magic with my DD - it didn't work and I went a week over my due date but that didn't stop me from looking up the next full moon coming up for this pregnancy and totally hoping it works this time!

    The full moon is

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  • So out of curiosity I googled both of my kids birthdays....DD1 was born on a full moon and a snow storm. DD2 was also born on a full moon, it was actually a blue moon that day which I guess is the second full moon of the month. How weird!!
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  • none5none5 member
    I like this! My trip to L&D was during a full moon. Next week could be an interesting one!
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  • I'm due 4/22 and there's a full moon 4/25. I really think that's the day, though I wouldn't put money on it!
    Married July 3, 2009 | Furbaby Trevor July 15, 2009 | Furbaby Darcy May 15, 2010 | BFP August 14, 2012 | DD April 18, 2013
  • heard this from my mom yesterday 'estimating' when i was going to go. apparently I was born on a full moon as well! Ill take that extra gravitational pull assistance anyday! haha
  • My friend said the day she had her baby, a tornado had touched down nearby, and the L&D unit was PACKED.  The hospital was on a tornado watch, sp they had to move all the beds into the hallway, out of the individual rooms that h

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  • imagemirroredimage:
    Full moons and bad weather.  An L&D nurse and the nurses at my OBs office swear that when there is bad


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  • I'm due April 5th too, and my MIL guessed March 26th as the day baby girl decides to come...so maybe she will be the closest!! Never know, but I really hope she waits until April because our family already has a ton of birthdays at the end of March!
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    We can't wait to meet our Blake Katherine!!
  • I hope not... Our wedding anniversary is the 27th and I have been really looking forward to dinner out at a buffet, lol.

    I was born in a blizzard as well.
  • Every L and D nurse I've asked swears it's true. FWIW, I went into labor with my DD on a full moon.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagefireflyz56:
    I hope not... Our wedding anniversary is the 27th and I have been really looking forward to dinner out at a buffet, lol
  • I'm actually kind of nervous about this! There is a full moon April 25th and I'm due April 27th and my birthing center only has 9 rooms. They even mentioned it on the hospital tour, half jokinglyhalf serious. We shall see!

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  • Creepy! Just looked up my birthday & I was totally born on a full moon! I'd be more than happy to meet LO on the 27th! It'll be interesting to see if we have an extra high number of April mommas pop that day!
  • I'm due 4/4 and I would welcome a full moon arrival.  My Dr.'s have been recommending an early induction at 39 weeks because baby is measuring big.  Unless he's measuring incredibly big at this weeks u/s, I've have no intention of inducing.&nbsp

    New Mommy since 4/3/13



  • I'm actually due March 27, so LO is totally welcome to show up that day!  Although, I am mildly concerned about getting one of the two rooms that have a labor tub...
  • I had my son on the full moon last February. He was 3 weeks early. I am totally banking on going next week lol.
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