Hey Ladies - This is my rant for the morning so thanks for listening! I started taking Zofran last week for the nausea that was making me crazy and miserable and it worked like a charm. At the end of the week, though, and especially yesterday I started getting these terrible headaches (unlike anything I've ever had in my life). Yesterday I spent most of the day with a cool facecloth over my eyes and a heating pad on my neck (I was really sore on my neck/base of my skull). Maybe it has nothing to do with the Zofran and maybe it's just where I'm at in this pregnancy but I just want to feel better! I was going to try and venture out to see my friends even though I couldn't drink yesterday, but I just couldn't get off the couch. Also, I know I was extremely lucky to have had zero constipation problems in the beginning of my pregnancy but now that has started up (now that I'm not nauseous though I can eat more and choose better foods to try and help). Monday morning vent complete!
BFP #1 12/23/12 EDD 9/3/13 DD #1 8/26/13
BFP #2 2/25/16 EDD 11/5/16 MMC 4/15/16
BFP #3 8/31/16 EDD 5/12/17 It's a GIRL!
Re: Trading one symptom for another...
Mom to Cam and Al, now expecting baby number 3, August 2016. Praying for lots of sticky baby dust!