September 2013 Moms

Delayed worry...

DF told his family and a few friends my mom/dad/brother/bffhave known for a few weeks...and now I'm nervous. I'm 12w1d and know I should be less worried..,all my ultrasounds and bloodwork show that things are all good.

Anyone else worried more after they told more people?

Re: Delayed worry...

  • I was leading up to our "coming out" announcement. But I figure, God forbid something happens, I'll have a great support team.
  • I've had a previous loss so all I think is " more people to disappoint" If God forbid something goes wrong.
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  • I had the exact same issue. I let my mom spread the news to extended family at 12 weeks 1 day but my NT scan wasn't until 12 w 3 days.  But the NT scan went beautifully so everything turned out OK.
    Our little lightbulb is on the way!
    12 weeks 3 days

    TTC since Oct 2011
    Me: 33, hypothyroidism since 14, cleared all HSG, US, Pre-pregnancy panel tests.
    Hubby: 36, testicular Ca, chemo April-May 2012.
    Natural cycle IUI #1 with trigger and Progesterone Suppositories (Jun 2012) Neg
    Natural Cycle IUI #2 with trigger and Progesterone Suppositories (Jul 2012) NEG
    Aug 2012 - break due to needing a girls' weekend in Cape Cod
    Natural Cycle IUI #3 with trigger and prednisone (Sep 2012) NEGATIVE
    Switched fertility clinics - forced break Oct 2012
    Natural Cycle IUI #4 (Nov 2012) no trigger, no progesterone, no prednisone (Nov 2012) - Neg
    1st round Clomid Cycle IUI #5 (Dec 2012) - POS
  • Just remember that you can't jinx anything. I'm pretty sure most women are constantly worried throughout pregnancy.
    BFP #1 - Mango - 6/11/12, EDD 2/22/12 Natural MC 7/15/12
    BFP #2 - Nacho - 10/14/12, EDD 6/20/13, MMC 8 weeks, D&C 11/16/12
    All testing shows both H and I are perfectly normal. Baby Nacho had triploidy. 
    Back to normal business December 2012
    BFP #3 - Froggy - 1/15/13, EDD 9/27/13 TEAM GREEN
    It's a girl! Alice - Born 9/20/13, 8lbs 2oz

  • Ive got my bloodwork and an ultrasound this week so I just want that to go well...And maybe I can calm down a bit.
    Thanks for the reassurance ladies.
  • YES! We came out on Facebook and now I'm petrified something is going to go horribly wrong. I know how you feel.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • I'm super nervous!  We told immediate family when we found out at 9 weeks, then I told my two besties at about 10 weeks.

    I waited to tell all other close friends, my office and my extended family until the 12 week u/s & NT scan looked go

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm right there with you. We told our families last week at 12w5d after our scan. Then started telling close friends and work after that. We have an email announcement drafted to our extended close friends (we live overseas so don't see anyone in person).
  • We had told my parents the day of BFP (they needed some good news with my dad's health issues), and we told his mom at 5 weeks.  Then my SIL figured it out at about 5 1/2 weeks when I turned down advil for a headache.  I told my SIL (dh's twin's
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • We told most of our families and I told my BFF right when I found out... But I'm with you, ever since its been "okay" to tell I find it harder to spill the beans. I've only told 2 people since, and I felt really awkward and nervous.
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