DF told his family and a few friends my mom/dad/brother/bffhave known for a few weeks...and now I'm nervous. I'm 12w1d and know I should be less worried..,all my ultrasounds and bloodwork show that things are all good.
Anyone else worried more after they told more people?
Re: Delayed worry...
Our little lightbulb is on the way!
12 weeks 3 days
TTC since Oct 2011
Me: 33, hypothyroidism since 14, cleared all HSG, US, Pre-pregnancy panel tests.
Hubby: 36, testicular Ca, chemo April-May 2012.
Natural cycle IUI #1 with trigger and Progesterone Suppositories (Jun 2012) Neg
Natural Cycle IUI #2 with trigger and Progesterone Suppositories (Jul 2012) NEG
Aug 2012 - break due to needing a girls' weekend in Cape Cod
Natural Cycle IUI #3 with trigger and prednisone (Sep 2012) NEGATIVE
Switched fertility clinics - forced break Oct 2012
Natural Cycle IUI #4 (Nov 2012) no trigger, no progesterone, no prednisone (Nov 2012) - Neg
1st round Clomid Cycle IUI #5 (Dec 2012) - POS
Thanks for the reassurance ladies.
I'm super nervous! We told immediate family when we found out at 9 weeks, then I told my two besties at about 10 weeks.
I waited to tell all other close friends, my office and my extended family until the 12 week u/s & NT scan looked go