April 2013 Moms

Edit: Anyone experience silent labor?

So i've been telling my OB and nurses over and over again that the women on my dads side of the family had ZERO labor pain and didn't realize they were in labor til the baby was practically falling out. This happened for 6 children.

 But for some reason my doctor and such isnt taking me too seriously and doesnt even regard this information. I'm just so scared that this will happen to me and I live 30 minutes from  My hospital. 

This is my first child, I've had almost no bh contractions that I can recognize and just don't know what to do.. 

Edit: I wasn't looking for advice, I wasn't asking for people to tell me it couldn't happen. I just wanted to know if this was possible and what others experiences were like if they had silent labor. Sorry for the confusion but I'll make sure to make my posts more specific next time.  I'm just a little aggravated because I didn't expect this kind of reaction to a completely rational fear.

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Re: Edit: Anyone experience silent labor?

  • imageGrace0609:
    What is your doctor supposed to do with this information? Not sure what you want her to do? Let you move in to LD for a
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  • I mean, I know I can go either  way of labor pain or no labor pain. I dont expect to be catered on and watched for several weeks, just some kind of reassurance would be nice since its a frightening thought of possibly not having any warning of the

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  • imagemidnightdaydreams:

    I mean, I know I can go either  way of labor pain or no labor pain. I dont expect to be catered on and

    The word you're looking for is SEX.  I promise.  No, it's not gender.  It's sex.  You're welcome.
  • imagemypalbabs:

    Do you want your doctor to say "no, this will not happen to you"?  Your doctor cannot guarantee anything</i

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  • I think you'll be okay! Think even if you do have the baby on the side of the road it shouldnt take long for an ambulance to get there and it would make for an amazing story. I guess just try to be hyper aware of what your body is doing and pray for the b
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  • Its called Silent Labor and happens more times than not to first time moms especially, here's the link if anyone's interested:


    BabyName Ticker Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Your own mothers labor is much more indicative of what your own will be like than anybody's on your father's side would be.

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  • You should probably just stay in a hotel close to the hospital until your LO is born. I don't know what else kind of advice you're looking for from us or your doctor.

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  • imagemidnightdaydreams:

  • imagemidnightdaydreams:

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  • See, I'm not sure this really is a rational fear. To me it's along the lines of the women who didn't know they were pregnant. I'm sure it happens, but I just can't figure out how it happens.

    FWIW, I never had any BH contractions with DD1. I start

    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
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  • I experienced this with my first baby.  I lost my mucus plug and had bloody show in the am and my stomach just felt a little off and crampy.  I had very mild labor contractions that I could feel off and on, but they did measure on the monitor. &
  • imagebaby4anne:
    I experienced this with my first baby.  I lost my mucus plug and had bloody show in the am and my stomach just
  • I think it's amazing how repetitively the pack of wolves opinions just keep going and going and going. It's like a broken record. Shiit.

    I don't see how this is any more relevant or irrelevant or unimportant than half the other questions or
    DD 4/3/04 & #2 EDD April 21, 2013 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • This!  It's nice to see at least a couple of people on here that have a hold on their hormones and don't fly off the handle at a simple question.  Geez!  Ease up ladies!
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  • imageGrace0609:
    DD 4/3/04 & #2 EDD April 21, 2013 Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Nice. I appreciate non typical posts. This might be op's birth experience, and those are welcome on this board I see.

    I actually think this is a good question. I have a high pain threshold so I always wonder if this will make any difference
  • Its totally possible. A woman I used to work with had five children, never got an epi and never felt a single contraction. She said that she knew she knew something was different on labor days but that it was more like a shift in the baby rather than a

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  • First off, being a first time mom is scary!  You don't know what your body normally does in labor, you don't know what labor in general feels like so it's is normal to have a TON of questions even if they seem absurd to others.  I say ask. &n

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  • With my first, I was induced. When I got to the hospital and all hooked up, I was contracting, but had no idea.

    That's all I've got.

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