So Ava and I are at the store today and I'm pulling a gallon of milk out of the refrigerated section. A guy, maybe in his mid 50s, walks up to me and this is our conversation:
Guy: Oh, when are you due?
Me: About three and a half weeks to go!
Guy: My daughter-in-law is pregnant and she's having a boy. I saw the ultrasound picture and there's an arrow pointing at his "thingy". I swear to God, its as long as my finger already ::holds out finger to illustrate the size of his grandson's penis::
Me: Uh, congratulations ::hurriedly start to walk away::
I leave and he's still talking about how he couldn't believe how long it was. He was dead serious. CRAZY CAKES.
Re: Whack-a-doo at grocery store
I know, right? Someone who either
There are no words.
Wow, totally inappropriate. I feel bad for the kid already!
this is why I haven't shared penis shots of my LO to anyone other than my mom and DH. Mom had no idea what she was looking at, so it didn't matter