I get excruciating, stabbing pains in the front of my hips/round ligaments that radiate to my back just about every single day/night. But it only happens when I'm in bed or sitting in my car. I wear a belly belt during the day. To sleep, I have a belly wedge and a body pillow, but 6 out of 7 nights a week I wake up with these horrible pains on the side I'm NOT lying on. The only relief that I get is standing up, walking around, and then applying a heating pad. Throw this in with my insomnia and I'm up from 1am to 6am. It gets old.
Does anyone else experience this type of pain ONLY when they are lying down or sitting? Did you figure out a way to stop it? I just don't want to end up ripping/tearing my ligaments while I'm sleeping and cause worse problems. I don't know if I'd label this as SPD or not. I feel like it's not severe enough because I can lift my legs without problems as long as I'm already standing. Maybe it is SPD, I don't know.
Re: Round Ligament Pain only when I lie down/sit?