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if your ticker changes to a new week today, this check-in is for you!
GTKY: What are your plans for this St. Patrick's Day?
Week: 12
Week: 13
Fruit Size: I don't know! I thought someone who had already responded would have been 13 weeks
Symptoms: lower back pain / sciatica. I limp when I walk. But, m/s is basically 100% gone! I still have insomnia but it might also be
rheavner:Week:nbsp; 13Fruit size: PeachSymptoms: None, I feel great!Appointment updates/rants/raves: I had an ultrasound on Wednes
Week: 16
Fruit size: Avacado
Symptoms: no pregnancy symptoms however since having a cold every morning i throw up mucus from all the draining all night l
Re: ~*~Sunday Ticker Change~*~
Week: 12
<p style="margiFruit size: plum
Symptoms: nauseated, exhausted, huge boobs
Appointment updates/rants/raves: NT scan on Monday. Done with my progesterone this week
GTKY: What are your plans for this St. Patric
Fruit size: plum
Symptoms: still mostly fatigue!
Appointment updates/rants/raves: nada!
GTKY: What are your plans for this St. Patrick's Day? I work today and then I will be watching the walk
Fruit size: A Lemon, I believe
Symptoms: NASAL CONGESTION!! Motion sickness while driving...
Appointment updates/rants/raves: We have an appt a week from Wednesday : I am excited because they are going to ta
Fruit size: orange
<p style="margin:0px 0px
BFP #1 : 05.08.11 : EDD : 01.16.12 : DOB : 01.15.12
BFP #2 : 12.26.12 : EDD : 09.08.13 : DOB : 09.03.13
Fruit size: apple
Symptoms: still a little tired here n there, minor head aches
Appointment updates/rants/raves: next apt is April 8th to hopefully find out sex :
What are your plans for this St
DS2: 10/23/2015
Week: 13
Fruit Size: I don't know! I thought someone who had already responded would have been 13 weeks
Symptoms: lower back pain / sciatica. I limp when I walk. But, m/s is basically 100% gone! I still have insomnia but it might also be
Fruit size: Lemon
Symptoms: Dizziness and headaches
Appointment updates/rants/raves: Next appt is in 2 weeks. Definitely feeling more stretching down there.
GTKY: What are your plans for this
Fruit size: orange
Symptoms: feeling fat and tired!
Appointment updates/rants/raves: not much 16 week appt. in a weekandahalf.
GTKY: What are your plans for this St. Patrick's Day? Relax!
Week: 16
Fruit size: Avacado
Symptoms: no pregnancy symptoms however since having a cold every morning i throw up mucus from all the draining all night l