I think we have decided on the name Addison for our baby girl. We are struggling with the middle name. Any suggestions? Our last name starts with B and is one syllable. Thanks!
My DD1 is Addison Rae. I know it's not a loved name on TB but I love it and it fits her perfectly. Her last name is also one syllable. The middle name we picked has no meaning, I just liked it. Do you have any family names you could use as a middle name?
I would love to honor my grandmother but her name was Stephanie, too long in my opinion. My middle name is Leigh and I don't mind that. All of the other family names just don't seem to flow.
This is too weird, if we were having a girl it would've been Addison and our last name begins with B and is one syllable as well! I've always liked grace.... It just has a good flow, Addison Grace!
What about either your grandmother's maiden or married last name? We picked the name Avery and are using Guynn for her middle name. It's pronounced Gwen so most people don't even realize it's a last name unless they see it written or know my family really
Re: Struggling With Name
Would any of these work? (I tend towards the more traditional, so I'm not sure if we have similar styles, but here are some that I like...)
Addison Claire/Clara
Addison Elizabeth
Addison Frances
Addison Elaine/Elena
BFP #1: 08/17/2012 DD1 born 05/01/2013
BFP #2: 07/31/2015 M/C 09/23/2015 (11.5 weeks)