April 2013 Moms

Effacement question

Went for 35 week check-up and when internal check-up started the dr said, "There's a head."  I thought.....it's too soon.  He clarified and let me know that I had not started dilating but am 50% effaced.  I was just wondering once that starts, how long do I have?  I know that everyone is different.  Just wanted to see what others had experienced.

Re: Effacement question

  • With DS I was effaced at 32 weeks I forget how much but not dilated. I didn't dilate at all until 40 weeks. I don't think it means anything, necessarily. You can walk around for weeks dilated and have nothing happen in terms of actual labor.
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  • I was 50 percent effaced since 20 weeks and lasted until 35w6d. 
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  • KovakKovak member
    I've been dialated 2 cm and 70 effaced for the past 2 weeks. Still waiting...:
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  • I have been dilated a fingertip and 80% effaced with his head down, engaged since 31 weeks and I'm 34 now...trying to hold out at least to 37. It is SUPER uncomfortable. Doc seems to think I will make it about that long but not much longer. My last "full
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