Well baby girl seems to be really comfortable sitting in her Breech position with her little bottom looking down and no matter what I try to do (exercise,communicating actually begging her to turn so that mammy doesn't have a c section e.t.c) she seems not to paying any attention.I think I am mad with my LO.I am hitting 36 weeks tomorrow and time is running out.Doc says if she doesn't turn until 38weeks I ll have a c section.I dont want a c section, its not necessary!!if she only turned!!Plus my weight is so out of control...I am doing fine with my appetite control until 6pm when I start eating sweats and salty food for like about 3hours until I finally calm down.how will I lose all this weight???Anyone else experiencing the same or have ideas how to copy with all that?
Re: Breechy stubborn baby and weight gain issues
I've gained a fair amount, too, definitely more than I'd like, but I did with my DS also. My Dr. said "I think this is just what your body does." I didn't lose it all after DS, but pretty close. If you want to lose the weight, you will. It will take wo
My BFP Chart
Did you see the post for our birth month a few weeks ago about another mom who had a breech? She used an ironing board (laying it flat on it with one end on the couch and one end on the floor). She then placed an ice pack on her tummy and a heating pad
My LO is also breech and has been for sometime now. I have always wanted and prepared for a med-free vaginal birth. Trying to get her to turn has become a second job almost and quite honestly was stressing me out. My mindset now is, everything happens
Don't get mad at your LO, poor thing. It's not going to help. I can understand not wanting to have a c section, but is that really the worse thing in the world as long as it's safe for the both of you and your baby is born healthy? Plus you still have