When you're in labor like after your water has broken and definite consistent contractions have started does the baby move around alot? Or does the baby remain still as far as kicks and rolls go?
I am a FTM so I don't know for sure.... but from what I have heard and read once your water is broken the movement slows because there is not much room. It is all the fluid allowing your baby to move... once that is gone movements decrease.
Re: Movements in labor
6/20/11 mc @ 5wks
10/19/11 mc @ 17wks- Trisomy 18
IUI #1 4/26/12 BFN
Moving on to IVF in July
37 with DOR...fabulous
ER 7/14/12 6R 5F, ET 7/17 3 embies, beta #1 7/26: 147, beta #2 7/28: 326, beta#3 7/30: 422...ugh, beta#4 7/31: 607...hopeful, beta #5 8/2: 1280, beta #6 8/7: 7184 and u/s shows 1 possibly 2 sacs! 8/14 2 beautiful heartbeats! 9/24 we are TEAM BLUE!!!!!
This! If he was moving,