I think it depends on the kids and on your individual situation. For us there wasn't really a magic age when it all got better. It was more gradual. But what I can assure you is that it does get better, MUCH better!
Married07.07.07.Mom to 3:Ruby 11/08and Oliver & Austin12/11
When J and K were about two months old, I realized it wasn't so bad anymore and I was actually getting four or five hour stretches of sleep. Hopefully it won't be too much longer for you!
Lol. We hit 2 months adjusted tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure we're not about to see any magical change in just four more weeks. Ah well, it'll happen. Someday....
TTC Since 11/10 due to Unexplained IF
4 Rounds of Clomid, 2 Rounds of Femara + IUI, 2 rounds of IUI+ Injectables (Bravelle + Menopur) = First BFP! TWIN GIRLS!
November 2, 2012 - Claire (2lbs 8.9oz) and Paige (2lbs 10oz) arrive at 29w3d due to PTL and pPROM at 28w5d
I hope so too! It's gotten a little easier lately (mine are 11 wks), though I don't know if it's that the babies are easier or if I've just gotten that much more confident/used to life with them. It's also gotten way more rewarding; my guys are super smil
Mine are 4 weeks tomorrow.. and I totally feel your pain. Somehow they have decided that sleeping soundly during the day is more fun that sleeping quietly at night. I was definitely spoiled with our first because he was such a sound sleeper
We had a big shift around 10 weeks and then they started sleeping through the night around 11-12 weeks. We are 14 weeks today and it is soooooo much better. Although I think Audrey might be teething early. Ugh!
Single Mother by Choice.
Life didn't work out the way I planned so I did it on my own.
IUI #s 1-3, unmedicated = BFN, IUI #s 4-6, 50mg Clomid, Ovidrel = BFN
IVF #1: 23R, 20M, 17F. 5 day transfer 2 blasts. 2 Snowbabies
BFP 6dp5dt, Beta #1 7dp5dt = 58, Beta #2 9dp5dt = 114, Beta #3 10dp5dt = 187
1st Ultrasound = 5/3, not much to see yet. 2nd Ultrasound = 5/17, TWINS!!!
Hospital Bed Rest at 32 weeks due to pre-ecclampsia and severe edema.
Audrey Grace, 5lbs9oz, & Lydia Louise, 6lbs, born via emergency c-section on 12/6/12 at 36w1d
My IVF Journey
The first 3-4 months are so so hard! DH and I took shifts so we each got a 4 hour stretch of sleep. It was also more gradual for us. We'd get a night of the babies sleeping 8 hours and then the next night we'd be up a few times.
Wedding Fall 2007
Off OCP's since 9/08-started with BBT charts
Saw Ob/gyn May 2009
Blood work normal except single copy of MTHFR
Clomid 50mg May 2009
Clomid 50mg + IUI June 2009
Femara 5mg + IUI July 2009
Normal HSG July 2009
Femara 5mg + ovidrel+IUI August 2009
Femara 5mg +ovidrel + IUI September 2009
November 2009-normal lap
December 2009-met with RE
December/January-Injectible med cycle with IUI-Abnormal sperm morpology found-only 0-1% normal All Head defects.
Jan/Feb 2010 1st IVF with ICSI-5 week chemical pregnancy
Feb 2010-male infertility doc says DH's anatomy and blood work are normal so nothing he can do.
FET July 2010-BFP! Twin m/c @ 5.5 wks
Dec/Jan 2011 IVF #2 Only 4 eggs retrieved-Ganirelix dose messed up BFFN
Feb/March 2011 IVF #3 ER 3/9 9 eggs, 7 fertilized, ET 3/14, No frosties. BFN
IVF #4 ER 8/22 9R,7F ET 8/25-3 embies, 1 frostie! Beta 9/2= 54, 9/6=274, 9/8=625, 9/12=2953, 9/16 greater than 10,000. B/G TWINS born April 2012 @ 36wks & 1 day!
July 2014-going back for the frozen embryo! ET 7/28, heartbeat seen at 6wks1day with SCH. Miscarriage confirmed at 6wks4days
SOOOOO much easier. I promise. Ours sttn at 11 weeks and once we got over that hump I swear we were different (and much happier) people. Hang in there mama!! And take lots and lots and lots of pictures, you aren't going to remem
Gosh I wish I could help you- it's so hard the first 3 months- at 4 mine slept the nite and I was a new human being. At 8 months I'm beat but they nap and go to bed! Hang in there! I thought a truck hit me!
Re: So. Tired. 5 wk old twins.
8/08 BFP resulted in m/c
3/09 Polyp removed and dx MTHFR (both copies)
6 Clomid cycles, all BFN
5/09 IUI#1 with Clomid=BFN
6/09 IUI#2 with Clomid=BFN
8/09 IUI#3 with Clomid=BFN
IVF#3 ET 2 Grade A blasts 11/16/11
Beta #1: 485
Beta #2: 2,495
I think it depends on the kids and on your individual situation. For us there wasn't really a magic age when it all got better. It was more gradual. But what I can assure you is that it does get better, MUCH better!
ahhh...the trenches. At least we are not alone, right? Right?
Wedding Fall 2007 Off OCP's since 9/08-started with BBT charts Saw Ob/gyn May 2009 Blood work normal except single copy of MTHFR Clomid 50mg May 2009 Clomid 50mg + IUI June 2009 Femara 5mg + IUI July 2009 Normal HSG July 2009 Femara 5mg + ovidrel+IUI August 2009 Femara 5mg +ovidrel + IUI September 2009 November 2009-normal lap December 2009-met with RE December/January-Injectible med cycle with IUI-Abnormal sperm morpology found-only 0-1% normal All Head defects. Jan/Feb 2010 1st IVF with ICSI-5 week chemical pregnancy Feb 2010-male infertility doc says DH's anatomy and blood work are normal so nothing he can do. FET July 2010-BFP! Twin m/c @ 5.5 wks Dec/Jan 2011 IVF #2 Only 4 eggs retrieved-Ganirelix dose messed up BFFN Feb/March 2011 IVF #3 ER 3/9 9 eggs, 7 fertilized, ET 3/14, No frosties. BFN IVF #4 ER 8/22 9R,7F ET 8/25-3 embies, 1 frostie! Beta 9/2= 54, 9/6=274, 9/8=625, 9/12=2953, 9/16 greater than 10,000. B/G TWINS born April 2012 @ 36wks & 1 day! July 2014-going back for the frozen embryo! ET 7/28, heartbeat seen at 6wks1day with SCH. Miscarriage confirmed at 6wks4days