November 2013 Moms


Heaven right now equals Dill Pickle chips and Yoohoo! Om nom nom

Re: Heaven!

  • imageKierasmommy09:
    Heaven right now equals Dill Pickle chips and Yoohoo! Om nom nom



    Nichole Tampa, FL
  • That actually sounds really good. Especially if you dipped those chips in ranch! drooling

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  • There's a restaurant nearby that has the best deep-fried pickles. They are so good! They use the really salty, crunchy, white ones (like the kind in the refrigerator section of the store). And they serve them with some kind of sweet dipping sauce. So good
  • imagemamabird8:
    There's a restaurant nearby that has the best deep-fried pickles. They are so good! They use the really salty, crun

    Anna Catherine 7/23/2012, 35 weeks 5 days, 5 lbs 5 oz (PProm)

    Baby Sam 10/4/2013, 36 weeks 2 days, 5 lbs 14 oz


  • I think I just had a foodgasm. That sounds so amazing it hurts. 
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