Hi ladies, lurker butting in with a question.
My 25 month has never had a problem with other kids. About 3 weeks ago we went out of state and visited a lot of family that she hasn't really been around. Her cousin, who is the same age as her, gave her a scare when he tackled her to the ground (was trying to hug her) and pulled her hair (grandma makes fun noises when he does it to her.)
Since we've gotten back she has been terrified of other kids. They so much as start walking in her direction and she runs to me, hides her face and says "all done." If they get too close then she starts crying and trying to get away.
I've tried holding and reassuring her while interacting with other kids, letting her hide hoping she'll warm up, having her accept a toy they offer her. I don't want to push her and traumatize her more and I'm kind of hoping she'll forget about the cousin incident and slowly warm up again as time goes on.
I know meeting all those people and having her space invaded like that was a lot for her and I can't blame her for being wary now.
Any advice on how else I can help her readjust? Thanks!
Re: suddenly afraid of other kids