I love this name! What are your thoughts? It's a nice twist on a GP of mine, Shaylee /A trendy type name I do like! I didn't know it was possible!/
Thoughts on Sheyla? I know it's spelled with an A but this spelling has special meaning.
Also, a trendy friend suggested the spelling Sheighlah...oh my.
Re: Sheyla
I'm not a fan. And I think Sheighlah is possibly worse.
SAHM to 4 kiddos... K (5/05), N (4/09), C (11/10) and Baby A 1/13/14
It's pronounced shay luh. The name the way it is, Sheyla, is special with family connections. I'm not being unique.
Rainbow Surprise Baby due 05/26/2017
you are being unique, it's not a given to strangers that you spelt her name that way for sentimental purposes, to them it's just a confusing way to spell a simple name. A while back there was a post about changing a 3yo's name bc it was spelled combing two family members but ended up just being confusing for everyone.
This was my thought as well.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
A close one to me has this name.
That spelling your friend suggested is just ridiculous, I have to say!
You might as well spell it that way too. The Sheila Shayla confusion alone would be enough to dissuade me.
And the Sex in the City reference is correct, I believe.
This. DD's name is totally unique as a FN; it's my mom's maiden name, an uncommon Italian surname. Most people probably think DH and I made it up. I can explain the origin of it pretty easily, but I don't do it with everyone DD meets, so her name has to stand on its own. If you're not going to explain the sentimental reasons for spelling your DD's name that way (the fact that you haven't even tried to do it for us suggests you won't want to do it all the time), you may derive some personal satisfaction from it, but you have to own the fact that most people will think you were trying to be unique.
I'm generally not a fan of the ayla/aylee ending names