Baby Showers


Many of you here are very good with etiquette so I was hoping I can get some help on this. I received a flyer in my mailbox from a neighbor and this is what it says:

"Please Join A & B for an

Open house Party

date and time


Please RSVP

*Insert pic of their house here*

We look forward to having you in our new home."

I live in a neighborhood of new construction. We all have new homes and do not really know each other. A different neighbor had mentioned in passing of having a getting to know you block party. I am not sure if this is that type of party or if they are throwing their own house warming party. When I call to RSVP should I ask to bring a dish? Do I show up with a gift? Uncertain of how to interpret this flyer. TIA! 


Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Re: NBR ?

  • I would go just for the sake of meeting neighbors. I'm very tight with the 4 families surrounding my house and it is great having one another.
    If you like prepping food, by all means, offer to bring a dish but a bottle of wine would be more than fine.
  • imagePunkyBooster:
    I would go just for the sake of meeting neighbors. I'm very tight with the 4 families surrounding my house and it is great having one another. If you like prepping food, by all means, offer to bring a dish but a bottle of wine would be more than fine.

    This exactly 

     DD born Oct 2011 - DS#1 born Jan 2014 - DS#2 born Apr 2015 - DS#3 born Sept 2016 - LO#5 due Feb 7, 2018

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  • imagePunkyBooster:
    I would go just for the sake of meeting neighbors. I'm very tight with the 4 families surrounding my house and it is great having one another. If you like prepping food, by all means, offer to bring a dish but a bottle of wine would be more than fine.

    This.  Open house just means that they're expecting people to pop in and out and not to worry about arriving at a specific time...not warming the house.  Sounds like a great way to meet your neighbors.  I would think they're probably inviting their friends that don't live in the neighborhood, and hence the, come see our new house line. 

    BabyFetus Ticker; Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Thanks all!
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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