DS has a confirmed milk allergy. We had a blood test. His symptoms prior to the test were severe projectile vomiting, diarrhea, mucous stool, a tiny bit of blood in the stool and severe eczema. We just discovered that if a drop of milk touches him, or if dried milk touches him, he breaks out in swollen hives.
we have not been to an allergist, just the pedi. I know anaphylaxis is uncommon, but not unheard of with dairy.ETA- I meant to ask if we should see an allergist and when? And should I ask the pedi about an epi pen? DS is 6 months.
Anyone have advice or insight?
Re: Dairy allergy and epi pens
DD's dairy allergy was discovered by her allergist at 7 months using a scratch test. At that point, we were prescribed an epi pen.
I'd try to get an appointment with an allergist asap.