My BFF just tm and asked if she should address envelopes seperately that live at the same address. For example my immediate cousin let my cousin in law move in. So I have both of them on the list. Would she send one to my cousin and then another to her brother's new wife? Or address one envelope?
m/c 2002 7w2d
bfp 9.6.12 | edd 5.17.13 | m/c 9.19.12 5w5d
bfp 10.18.12 | edd 6/28/13
beta#1 10.18.12 - 96 / progestrone 32 || beta#2 10.22.12 - 711 || beta#3 10.25.12 - 2608 DD born 6/27/13
bfp 7.16.14 | edd 3/27/15
beta#1 7.18.14 - 149 || beta#2 7.21.14 - ??
Re: address invites