Baby Showers

Thank you for coworkers question

I work for an agency that doesn't have a physical office. We either work from home or we work from our cars (we drive a lot). So I only see my coworkers every 2 weeks or so for staff meetings. At our last staff meeting, they threw me a small "shower" - just cupcakes and they all signed a card and gave me a generous gift card which I'm assuming they collected money for. It was a nice gesture and I'd like to give them a thank you card. But the thing is I don't know their home addresses. Should I just send one to the main office (a PO Box that my boss is in charge of) and tell her to pass it around at a staff meeting? Send one to each individual coworker for my boss to pass out? Send a mass email thanking everyone? I'd wait until the next staff meeting to distribute cards, but our next meeting is on my due date in two weeks so I'm not even sure if I'll be there. Any advice?

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Re: Thank you for coworkers question

  • imageMandJS:
    Bring bagels or cookies or something to the next meeting and just write a note to everyone which you can give to your boss. If you're not there, maybe your husband or a friend can drop it off? 

    This. Just do one group thank you, as it was a group gift. Snacks would be nice as well.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageMandJS:
    Bring bagels or cookies or something to the next meeting and just write a note to everyone which you can give to your boss. If you're not there, maybe your husband or a friend can drop it off? could probably even call Panera or something to set it up now so you don't have to worry about it if you're at the hospital. 

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