Long story short: my husband is in a destination wedding that I likely can't attend next month (kids not invited). His overall cost to attend is well over $1k, so I wanted to stay budget friendly on the gift. The couple's wedding website requests cash or checks, but I don't want to do that. They have 2 registries (Amazon and BBB) but the stuff they registered for is really expensive. There are some things under $40, but it is like individual serving utensils and washcloths. I would totally feel like a cheapskate if I bought anything off the registry, because it would be like a quarter of a gift.
So, what would you do? Find something on the registry? Give a $50 giftcard (I don't like giftcards though)? Buy something not on the registry although, I am not sure what?
Re: Wedding Gift Problem
I had a destination wedding and completely agree with this.
I agree with this! Apparently it's something traditional (that I had never known about), and I was so touched when I opened a beautiful frame with our invitation. It sits on our mantel next to our Wedding photo. It was a thoughtful gesture, and one of my favorite gifts.
I'd give the $50 gift card to where they are registered. Plus, I'd have your DH take it with the card.
My DH and I were both in a destination wedding (kids not invited) but we knew about it for over a year so we saved for it. Fortunately, the bride did not go overboard with the cost of dresses and such. It was at an all inclusive so once we got to the place there were no extra expenses. She didn't have tuxes (just pants and a shirt and flip flops. We even stayed an extra 4 days! We gave a gift card to where they are registered.
My first thought was to give a $50 gc because I can't imagine not giving a gift.
Granted, that advice is coming from someone who was in a destination wedding...spent $2000 to go on the trip...plus $300+ for an ugly BM dress I never wore again...and another who-knows-how-much to attend a reception back "home" (where we all grew up but where none of us were living anymore) a few weeks after the destination wedding. I went overboard with everything in this situation though because it was one of my closest friend's weddings and I wanted her to have a great experience. My BFF and I purchased all kind of goodies to throw the BTB a "bachelorette" party while we were at the destination. Since I couldn't make the shower before the wedding, I also took a shower gift to the wedding as well. And then I took a present to the reception a few weeks later. This friend's wedding cost me an arm and a leg.
And 6 years later the bride and her husband are separated. Ugh.
To add to that, I asked the bride to be in my wedding party over 3 years ago. She couldn't attend due to being 8 months pregnant at the time of my wedding (and living quite a distance away so travel was out). Never even received a card from her congratulating DH and I on our wedding. Ouch, hey? I know that showers/weddings/gifts etc. are not tit for tat. But, seriously? Not even a card.
BFP #1 09/02/11 M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13
SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.
This. It's ridiculous that your already spending so much for DH to get there. Not to mention the way overpriced registry. Ugh. some people.
Thanks ladies! I am truly a cheapskate, so I wanted to run this by other people to make sure that I wasn't being my usual cheap self if I can help it. I would love to frame an invite but we haven't received one (and the wedding is in a month, so probably won't happen) but maybe I could see if my husband could take a couple pictures at the wedding, and then I could send that later.