Baby Showers

When do you give the hostess gift?

Do you give the gift at the end of the shower or send it a few days after the shower?

Re: When do you give the hostess gift?

  • I gave my hostesses their gifts at the end of the shower after everyone left.  If you think the logistics may be awkward at the shower, it's certainly fine to give it to her a little later privately.
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  • I gave mine at the end of the party.  At the beginning, they were busy getting things set up for lunch and I didn't want to get in their way.  
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  • It depends what you are giving. If you are giving something physical I would give it to them before the party starts in private or after the party is over. If it is a "service" gift (like you taking them out to lunch or a spa day) I would inform them of your intent privatly as well and arrange it with them then.
  • Thanks. I keep flip flopping about what I want to do, thought about sending an edible arrangement the following day or give them a small spa gift basket.

  • I gave a card and gift to each of my two co-hostesses when the guests had departed, so basically right as the shower was ending. It was a gift card to the local gym where all three of us work out.
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