DD will be 18 months when the new peanut arrives. I have some friends that put their kids into a toddler bed or something similar that early, and some that have waited.
I'm trying to figure out what would be my best option as I am not sure I want them sharing a room and possibly waking each other up.
What did you guys do?
Re: When to get a "big girl bed"...
DD stayed with us in our room in a PnP for about 6-8 weeks and then moved to her crib and was pretty much sleeping through the night. Our plan is to try that with baby #2 as well.
I'm torn cause if they have separate rooms, we loose our guest bedroom. I know, 1st world problems. Blah.
a 2nd crib was some of the best $$ I've ever spent.
It's nice to have the toddler contained and know they are safe as you are up and about taking care of the baby in the middle of the night and in the morning.
We kept both of ours in the crib until they were trying to climb out. That was 28 months for #1 and 32 months for #2.
Total score: 6 pregnancies, 5 losses, 2 amazing blessings that I'm thankful for every single day.
DD has been in her Toddler bed since Thanksgiving. We still had to do naps in the crib up until last month and she is not 17mths old. They transitioned her from a crib to a cot at daycare when they moved her to the new room so I wanted to do the same at home. We've had no issues except for the napping but that eventually worked itself out.
I know each child is different but you should be fine.
I'm in the minority here, but I moved DS #1 into a toddler bed at 14mo. He was getting close to climbing out and jumping like a mad man in it. It went really well (to my surprise) and when his brother arrived when he was 16mo it was no big deal.
He fell out of the toddler bed twice (the 10 inches or whatever it is) and then he learned to climb out properly. We got an Ikea toddler bed, to the mattress doesn't have springs so there is no jumping happening. If it was an option it would be happening.
My first was such a good sleeper from day 1, so it made it easy to move her to a toddler bed at around 13 months. We had only one instance of her getting out of bed at 2am and crawling under the bed, other than that she'd stay in bed and talk ot herself in the morning until I came to get her. DD2 stayed in our room for the first 2 months or so and then moved into the crib. With the baby monitor closer to the crib and both girls so young when we put them together, it was a surprisingly easy transition for everyone. It really helped that my oldest was a good sleeper. I had so many issues with my 2nd and sleep, I don't know that I would have done it the same if she'd been my oldest.
Heck, they were so used to sharing a room, my oldest rarely woke even when we did some modified CIO while night-weaning my youngest.
Eleanor 9.30.13