Baby Showers

Shower invite questions

My husband is military, so we live away from our family and friends. We have a lot of friends who have moved out of state as well. And our shower will be at my moms house, which is 4 hours away from where I live. I have had a bunch of friends ask me about my shower, but it is only recently being planned. I don't know who to invite. My friends and family who are out of state obviously are unlikely to make the trip for the shower, but since some of them are close friends, I'm not sure if I insult them by not inviting them, or if I seem like I am just hoping for gifts if I do invite them. Does anyone know what the proper invite etiquette is?

Re: Shower invite questions

  • imageMandJS:
    No one needs to be invited to give you a gift. If they ask, just tell them the shower is at your mom's in X town and leave it at that. 

    This.  I would only send invitations to people that obviously can't attend if it is a mother, grandparent, sister, or someone who might like to have an invitation for sentimental reasons. 

    BabyFetus Ticker; Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • image1026pumpkin:

    No one needs to be invited to give you a gift. If they ask, just tell them the shower is at your mom's in X town and leave it at that. 

    This.  I would only send invitations to people that obviously can't attend if it is a mother, grandparent, sister, or someone who might like to have an invitation for sentimental reasons. 

    This. :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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