OK. Flames are fine. I totally understand, backstory, I am recently remarried. We have been together for about 2 years got married a year ago. We each brought a kiddo to the mix. My son is 11. My step daughter whom we have every other weekend, is 8. When my best girl friend found out I was pregnant she was so excited and begged me to let her plan a shower. My cousin called her and wanted to do one too. So they combined forces and convinced me that a shower is ok. I don't want to seem gift grabby so my initial intention was to not register.
Although along come two aunts, three cousins, and a few friends all asking where I am registering. They all know that when I had my son I was very young, it was within a few months of my mother passing, and overall really tough. So they all keep commenting that they want me to do things "right" this time.
So again, I caved. I started a registry. It has 35 items so far and I feel so bad, like I want people to only buy "these things" and it feels like so much! My aunt already purchased a crib for us because she knows my sons was a loaner and she jokes that she should have bought one for my son but was in 'her own world' since it was her sister who had just passed. I am so thankful to her. We are doing well but because we just purchased a house in December I know she knows that we are uber careful with our money.
My question is, do people get offended by what is on a registry? I have three items that are over 60 dollars and a travel system thats 150! I don't want people thinking I am gift grabby. Truthfully DH and I are planning on purchasing it on our own after the shower anyway. And when I read these posts on here I always wonder. LOL
Re: registering is tough!
The only time I side-eye items on a registry is when it's obviously more for the parents (vacuum, TV, electronics) or something for a much bigger kid (bicycle, etc.). I think if you have 2-3 items on your registry per anticipated shower guest, with many being under $30-50 and a few bigger ticket items, you'll be safe.
I personally got a complaint from my co-workers who were chipping in for a group gift that there was nothing big to buy and they had to run around BRU to use up the money on smaller items....lol, #firstworldproblems.
I do not get offended by what's on a registry unless it's something clearly for the parents or some random item that has nothing to do with a baby. I think your registry sounds fine though. $60 is not a lot of money, in my opinion (and you said you only have 4 items above that price point). Best of luck!
The only time I have every side eyed registries was one bridal that was nearly 400 items and even had curtains (They didn't have a house yet or window measurements lol) The stuff was insane. I ended up shopping OFF it and getting something more personal since we were close friends lol. A bit into it she took over half off I think others said something to her.
As for a baby registry I only side eyed the girl who whined she might not get a shower so an online friend who never met her went to throw one and invited EVERYONE on the message board to buy her stuff and then she has two real showers and complains of money but buys antique dressers and refuses to wear maternity clothes that are not expensive. I side eyed her whole list haha.
If you feel you will use it or need it, register because you can use coupons and discounts that pop up afterwards to use it. I used our wedding registry as a shopping list for things for our new home and go to use 20% off on everything one day a few weeks later. If someone asks to find out where you are registered and then side eyes..maybe their eyes are just lazy and or crooked lol
Yikes, people really register for things like that???
OP, I think you're fine
First comes love, next comes marriage, then comes...
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