Baby Showers

Registry Help Please

I had planned on (& was building) my registry online at Amazon's Universal Registry. I thought it would be easy, one place to look at, & if someone found that item in a different store for a better price, awesome and hopefully they mark it on the registry.

 My mom & MIL are concerned that some of their friends won't do online ordering (said that they might look at the registry online, but might not want to order online)

I thought I would add things then specifically from Target/Kohls (the only local stores in their areas) to the Universal part. I'm worried that it might be confusing though?

Should I just do separate registry's at Target/Kohls? I don't know what is available at their local stores specfically, which is another concern. Would it be rude then to register for a few items & gift cards there?

 Thanks for your advice!

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Re: Registry Help Please

  • I did just what you are describing with my Amazon Registry. I added items from Target, Buy Buy Baby, and Babies R Us, and I also put in the comments if things were widely available at other stores or if I wasn't picky about patterns or whatever. The only thing is that I don't think that people are going online and marking off if they bought an item somewhere else. So I might get duplicates, but whatever, I can just return stuff. For me it was more important to have everything all listed in one place.
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