I'm thinking about switching daycares. I'd keep my kids where they are until June, then I'd keep them home for the summer since I'm a teacher and I love that time together, then they'd go to a new school in September, they'd be 1 1/2 and 3 1/2. How do you think the transition would be? DD started daycare for the 1st time when I went back from maternity leave at 2 1/2 and after 1 bad week adjusted well. She really enjoys her school so I feel bad switching her, I just have some concerns, especially with the class DS would be going into in September. Do you think her transition would be smoother since she's been to daycare already or worse because she's not going to the school she's used to. The new school is also just 2 blocks away from the old one on the same street. You think that would confuse her?
Re: switching daycare