A few weeks ago I went to a shower (with a gift purchased from the registery) and at each chair was a card that read, "help us give our baby a gift". When I opened it, I realized the parents-to-be were asking for help paying for cord blood banking.
Today, I got a thank you card that read, "thank you for helping us celebrate our baby's impending arrival. Love, Mom and Dad to be.
The message was printed, even their names.
Re: Thought this board would appreciate...
This is what the world is coming to. *sigh*
I went to a shower last summer. It was a couples shower and they didn't open gifts at the shower. That was all fine - I had a great time and REALLY didn't mind the lack of gift opening.
We got our "thank you" note which was the birth announcement and pre-printed was a VERY generic "Thanks for all your love and support" - or something to that effect.
Pretty much what you got, but it was also their birth announcement.
I was REALLY put off by this. Perhaps if they had opened the gifts and given us a heartfelt thank you at the time, I wouldn't have been so put off. But the combo of the two .... it left a distaste in my mouth.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
Say whaaaaa?? Where was this?
Cord banking is expensive, I know. So save up and pay it or don't do it. FFS!
That's terrible.
well yeah... isn't that what your supposed to do?!?
I mean, I do it every 2-3 months...
I went to a shower where the invitation was a tree and small envelope attached to it...and it read,
Money doesn't grow on trees,
So provide some cash for the mom and dad to be....
Oh - and there was registry info on there too - gross. But I couldn't help myself - I wanted to see what this shower was going to be about. When the guests arrived, they placed their envelope on this tree that the MTB had made to match the nursery. People suck.
This just made me barf a little...
What is the world coming to?!
I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this. I wouldn't have even gone, you've got to be shiFting me!