Cloth Diapering

NB AIO h&l vs snaps?

I found imagine NB CD's on sale and they're offered in both hook and loop and snaps. I know snaps will last longer, but they don't seem as adjustable with multiple snaps. Since NB dipes will be used for such a short time...has anyone experienced hook and loop wearing out very fast?

if so, any experience with replacing the hook and loop tabs on Imagine brand cd's? 


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Re: NB AIO h&l vs snaps?

  • I much, much prefer velcro for newborn diapers. Snaps are just too much effort to do 15 times a day.

    I don't have that brand, but noticed no wear in the 7 weeks I used my nb diapers.

  • I used snaps when A was a newborn and it was no big deal. For the next baby I will be adding more hook and loop diapers, but mainly more for a variety than anything else. I probably will use my snap diapers during the day and hook and loop for the ON changes.
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  • I haven't used the imagine brand diapers but I did start out using lil joeys which are  snap diapers. Over all they worked out fine but we did have a hard time when lo seemed too big for one setting yet leaked in the next size up. We made them work and even mh was able to do them (we only used lil joeys at the time so he would just put the new diaper at the same setting as the one he took off). I will say that now that our lo fits into her p&ns I am enjoying the aplix and prefer it over the snaps.
  • Great. Thanks so much!
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  • For newborn I'd def get velcro
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