1st Trimester

Anyone Pregnant with #2 or #3 or #4- Come in!

I just found out last weekend I am pregnant with #2 and am very excited. Now I remember all me nerves and fears from when I was pregant with #1. I worry alot about miscarrage- not that I have a history or anything- just a worry wort!

Now my question- how are your symptoms for this pregnancy compare to symptoms from a previous pregnancy? I remember my boobs being really sore- to the point I couldn't hardly cross my arms and being incredibly tierd. I've had some slight cramping and boobs are a little tender, and well I fell asleep on the floor at 8 last night- but nothing at all like last time. Just wondering if you all had common symptoms with your pregnancies or if each was different.


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Re: Anyone Pregnant with #2 or #3 or #4- Come in!

  • The pregnancies with my boys were exactly the same. This one has been different on everything.
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  • My first and second were totally different. With my son it was easy no nausea or anything, just mild cramping. With my daughter, morning sickness started at 6 weeks. Now, have felt nauseous even more so than my first two so far at this stage.
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  • imagejamima757@yahoo.com:

    I just found out last weekend I am pregnant with #2 and am very excited. Now I remember all me nerves and fears from when I was pregant with #1. I worry alot about miscarrage- not that I have a history or anything- just a worry wort!

    Now my question- how are your symptoms for this pregnancy compare to symptoms from a previous pregnancy? I remember my boobs being really sore- to the point I couldn't hardly cross my arms and being incredibly tierd. I've had some slight cramping and boobs are a little tender, and well I fell asleep on the floor at 8 last night- but nothing at all like last time. Just wondering if you all had common symptoms with your pregnancies or if each was different.


     I'm the same way! 

    My symptoms seem to be the same this time around, sore boobs, gassy, and super emotional!

    "Love is what makes pain bearable." - I love you my Angels. 
    **All After a Loss Welcome**
    BFP #1: 6/25/09 EDD 2/13/10 @ 6 weeks- Saw HB @ 9 weeks - DS born 2/11/10 (39w5d)
    BFP #2: 2/20/13 EDD 11/4/13 - Saw HB 3/19/13 (7w2d) - MMC discovered 4/13/13 (10w5d) - Est. loss @ 9w3d - D&C 4/14/13
    BFP #3: 12/19/13 (4 w1d) EDD 8/27/14 - 1/1/14 discovered it was ectopic/ tube had burst/ had surgery to remove tube (@ 6 weeks)
    BFP #4: 9/10/14 (3w6d) EDD 5/21/15 - natural MC 9/23/14 @ 5w5d
    BFP #5: 11/23/14 (3w3d) EDD 8/4/15 - Please be our Rainbow!

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  • at 6 weeks it seems to be similar to my first for now.
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  • It's very different. With my son I was simply tired. This time I am exhausted, nauseous all the time, incredibly hormonal, boobs kill, bloated etc. Good times lol.






  • congrats !! 

     i am pregnant w #2 and everything is different ... w #1 i didnt really have any things other than being super sleepy and some boob pain ... this time i have all of it morning sickness, boob pain, some cramping thats normal, being sleepy all the time .. good times lol thank god all of it is starting to go away 



  • Very different.  With my son, boobs killed, was super exhausted, cramped a bit, and not very hungry. 

    This time, boobs still killing me, still super exhausted, but I'm nauseated a lot, super hormonal, bloated, gassy, starving most of the time, and more crampy.

    Sisters:  Now and then.


    Elijah's 1st day of Kindergarten!
  • So far very different.  I wouldn't let it worry you one bit. 
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  • Different symptoms for me also.... I barely have symptoms this time... A bit of fatigue but not nearly as severe
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  • This is #3 for me. First two are boys who were very different! #1 morning sickness was horrible from 5 to 15 weeks. #2 morning sickness was a bother from about 7-10 weeks but fatigue was unbearable from 6-10 weeks. I also had yeast infections in the beginning with #2. Still really early with #3 but im pretty sure I have another stinkin yeast infection! Ugh..
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  • With my first barely any symptoms and with this baby- the whole 1st trimester I was nauseous off and on. 
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  • I've had some similar symptoms for all 3 of mine (so far), tiredness, upset stomach, diarrhea, etc.  But, I was definitely even more tired with #2 than #1 or #3.  And I am probably more sick this time around than I was with the other two.  My boobs aren't as sore this time.  I think every pregnancy is unique... even though it's the same mama! 

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  • With my son I was extremely tired, skin hurt and developed GD but other than that felt great. I am now pregnant with #2....I am nauseas almost every day, exhausted, my skin hurts and I have GD early on. I am only 8w3d.
  • I am pregnant with my second and so far everything is the same; no symptoms other than extreme exhaustion! Congrats on your second pregnancy :-)
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  • My pregnancies started off very similiar with fatigue, heartburn, and sore breasts. Around 7 weeks, i started getting really nauseus with this one. I still am. I also don't have strong cravings or food adversions like I did with my first. My skin is way worse this time around and my hair is limp and dry.

    Maybe this is a girl?

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  • This one is much more like my pregnancy with DS. I am super nauseous and tired. When I was pregnant last fall I hardly felt sick at all, just tired.

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    TTC#2 October 2011. June 2012 diagnosed with mild PCOS and both tubes blocked.
    10/1/12 miracle BFP 11/12/12 missed m/c (9w2d), baby stopped growing at 7 weeks
    1/16/13 BFP, EDD 9/27/13, m/c 1/19/13
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    2/12/13 BFP, EDD 10/25/13 Please stick little one
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    A stowaway on board! :)
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  • Totally different this time for me! With my son I was a little tired, morning sickness was killer for weeks 6-13, and my boobs hurt. This time all I have is a little bit of soreness in my nipples. No morning sickness, no tiredness, no appetite increase anymore, nothing. Feels strange to me.
  • So far, I feel a lot more nauseous and have frequent dizziness. And I'm not as exhausted - yet. I don't remember feeling sick and dizzy with DS, just tired and bloated. I have been hoping this means #2 is a girl, but a friend reminded me that I definitely complained about the same stuff last time, so we'll see.
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  • Im on baby #3 and this one is different then my other 2. I have 100% morning, day and night sickness, i can hardly eat or smell anything and my boobs hurt so bad. The joys of pregnancy lol.


    Congrats !

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