I just found out last weekend I am pregnant with #2 and am very excited. Now I remember all me nerves and fears from when I was pregant with #1. I worry alot about miscarrage- not that I have a history or anything- just a worry wort!
Now my question- how are your symptoms for this pregnancy compare to symptoms from a previous pregnancy? I remember my boobs being really sore- to the point I couldn't hardly cross my arms and being incredibly tierd. I've had some slight cramping and boobs are a little tender, and well I fell asleep on the floor at 8 last night- but nothing at all like last time. Just wondering if you all had common symptoms with your pregnancies or if each was different.
Re: Anyone Pregnant with #2 or #3 or #4- Come in!
I'm the same way!
My symptoms seem to be the same this time around, sore boobs, gassy, and super emotional!
BFP #1: 6/25/09 EDD 2/13/10 @ 6 weeks- Saw HB @ 9 weeks - DS born 2/11/10 (39w5d)
BFP #2: 2/20/13 EDD 11/4/13 - Saw HB 3/19/13 (7w2d) - MMC discovered 4/13/13 (10w5d) - Est. loss @ 9w3d - D&C 4/14/13
BFP #4: 9/10/14 (3w6d) EDD 5/21/15 - natural MC 9/23/14 @ 5w5d
BFP #5: 11/23/14 (3w3d) EDD 8/4/15 - Please be our Rainbow!
congrats !!
i am pregnant w #2 and everything is different ... w #1 i didnt really have any things other than being super sleepy and some boob pain ... this time i have all of it morning sickness, boob pain, some cramping thats normal, being sleepy all the time .. good times lol thank god all of it is starting to go away
Very different. With my son, boobs killed, was super exhausted, cramped a bit, and not very hungry.
This time, boobs still killing me, still super exhausted, but I'm nauseated a lot, super hormonal, bloated, gassy, starving most of the time, and more crampy.
My pregnancies started off very similiar with fatigue, heartburn, and sore breasts. Around 7 weeks, i started getting really nauseus with this one. I still am. I also don't have strong cravings or food adversions like I did with my first. My skin is way worse this time around and my hair is limp and dry.
Maybe this is a girl?
TTC#2 October 2011. June 2012 diagnosed with mild PCOS and both tubes blocked.
10/1/12 miracle BFP 11/12/12 missed m/c (9w2d), baby stopped growing at 7 weeks
1/16/13 BFP, EDD 9/27/13, m/c 1/19/13
2/12/13 BFP, EDD 10/25/13 Please stick little one
A stowaway on board!
Make a pregnancy ticker
Im on baby #3 and this one is different then my other 2. I have 100% morning, day and night sickness, i can hardly eat or smell anything and my boobs hurt so bad. The joys of pregnancy lol.
Congrats !