so i thought this might be a good place to get advice from other moms w no judgments... while i have been on here reading things that other have posted i have noticed some pretty harsh comments about spelling, punctuation ex... what do those things have to do with anything ??? if some one is on here and has a concern about somethings should that not be the main topic u comment on ... im thinking about leaving this page because i cant stand it when there is a recourse like this and people are being rude to others for no reason other than they just dont like how its worded or spelled or what ever .. ok end of rant lol hope every one is having a good night :0
Re: venting....
O14 January Signature Challenge: Snow Fails
I roll with the punches, you have to understand everyone here is hormonal.
Some are going to be mean and some nice, i've just learned not to get too serious with this site because in the end it's me and my family that really needs my attention C:
I agree and would have assumed that as women, we would be supporting one another.
It's not that people are being rude about it. Clearly that's the way you are reading it, but then again, text is open to interpretation when it comes to tone.
The reason it bothers people, is because it's awfully hard to read and comprehend a post when there is limited or incorrect punctuation, and poor spelling or grammar. Also, walls of text are so overbearing on a thread/message board. A separation of thoughts goes a long way with reading comprehension.
The easier you make yourself understood, the less confusion there will be when answering/giving advice.
LOL--interesting logic there.
What a horrible thing to say. Just because I enjoy not being assaulted by bad spelling, grammar, and inappropriate punctuation by other educated adults, does NOT mean my children will suffer any such fate.
It's always interesting to me that people try and make their point about people being mean by saying something equally as unkind. Some people are unkind on here, I ignore those posts and move on.....
i agree but some of us just don't think about it . i make mistakes all the time and have seen where i have while talking on here .. i look at it as getting carried away when typing i do it all the time .. and have noticed where i have skipped words even just talking on this post . it happens lol
it makes it REALLY hard to understand when people write in "text speak" or have horrible grammar and spelling. If I have to think more about *understanding* what the post meant than I did an answer to the question... that's a problem
Its only if a post is HORRIBLE that we comment.
But, its the internet. good luck finding a place without grammar-nazis. and if you're "thinking about leaving this page" then go right ahead.
AMEN. seriously. how rude
I am not on here much, but I was on the Knot- the sister site and some girls were pretty brutal on there and rude. I try my best to be punctual but I mess up some times. I do not point out when other girls make mistakes with spelling or punctuation because it does not bother me that much.
Some people though can be pretty hard to understand when the whole post is clumped together or completely misspelled. If it is that bad I just skip the post.
I think you just have to be open minded and try to not take it personally.
Ok, I tried to bite my tongue, but I just can't. Punctual means being on time to things, it has nothing to do with punctuation. Sorry, I'm not trying to be mean, but I know I've used words wrong or mispronounced them before and would have wanted someone to tell me.
Like PPs have said, it makes it super hard to understand a post if it's full of typos and spelling errors. I don't want to have to decipher your message just to figure out what your question is. It seriously takes two seconds to read back through your post and check that it makes sense.
Make a pregnancy ticker
CJ 05/29/2013