1st Trimester

Morning Sickness Tip I wish I had known earlier

Hello Ladies,

I've been lurking for the last few weeks, but this is my first post.  I had my first OB appointment last week, and when I complained of morning sickness, the nurse suggested Vitamin B6 - 50mg, every 6 hours. 

 I've read about a lot of morning sickness remedies, but I had never come across this little nugget.  It has helped a bit for me, so I'm passing it along in case there are others out there who haven't heard about it.

This is my first pregnancy, so I truly appreciate the chatter on these boards. 

Re: Morning Sickness Tip I wish I had known earlier

  • I hadn't been informed of that one, but what saved me was peppermint tea. I had severe morning sickness to the point of almost needing to be hospitalized, peppermint tea was the ONLY thing that helped. Happy you found something that works-good luck ladies on finding remedies that work for you!

  • imagepaigenicole23:
    I had severe morning sickness to the point of almost needing to be hospitalized, peppermint tea was the ONLY thing that helped.

     Thanks for that tip!  I would love to hear others.  Anyone else have a less-common m/s soothing tip?


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  • I had horrible m/s with my DS. I used lots of the preggie pops, b6 with half a unisom at night. And peppermint tea during the day. It helped take the edge off, but later I had to get on medication to help.
  • it did crap all for me. i dont know 1 person it's worked for, so you're lucky.
    TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
  • B6 and half Unisom taken together has been my saving grace. Zofran did nothing for me. 
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • imagestaceymack:
    B6 and half Unisom taken together has been my saving grace. Zofran did nothing for me. 

    me too. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Married 12/8/07 | Sleeve Gastrectomy 10/19/09
    BFP#1 DD born 3/9/11 | BFP#4 DD born 9/20/13
    BFP#2 6/21/12, M/C at 5w2d | BFP#3 11/27/12, M/C at 6w6d
  • thanks will have to try this I'm sick already and.
    Sarah BabyFruit TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • If your MS is triggered by smells (like mine is) vics vapor rub is a life savor.  Just a little dabbed under the nose helped me so much in my last pregancy.

    13 yr old boy with ASD, ADHD and PICA, 11 yr old boy, 3 yr old Girl, & baby Girl.



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