
Baby #2 timing


DD was born in January 2012. I didn't really enjoy pregnancy (I was super tired and sore) or the first 6 months of babydom, mostly because I didn't know what I was doing and found that very overwhelming. I'm thinking it'll be better the second time around because I'll be more confident with my choices and will be more relaxed about things. We plan on keeping DD in daycare 2-3 days a week. We want two kids. We are moving to a new house in June. Finances are not an issue.

I've heard the argument that it's nice to "get the baby stuff over with". I'm wondering if that's a good enough reason to get pregnant with #2 sooner rather than later. Would it really be easier to have them closer together? Or do you just end up with two kids at equality irritating stages at the same time (i.e. a tantruming toddler and a newborn) vs. a three year old and a newborn? Before I got pregnant with DD I figured I wanted two kids two years apart, and we are coming to the time when I would be coming off my pill to make it possible for the two-year mark to happen. I'm just not looking forward to doing it again, but I'm wondering if I should just bite the bullet and do it.


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